Need help to create a contract. Thanks

Hi everyone, I'm new on this, and i heard recommendations about this community... So here is my problem i want to make a token with 4 wallets
1 contract wallet with 90% of tokens
2 marketing wallet 5%
3 devs wallet 3%
4 give away 2%

I need transparency in all ways, contract locked or renounced, locked wallets, liquidity locked, % of fees for buy and sell... But how can i make this if I'm going to need money for example to make a web page soon or later or to make a promotion (and marketing wallet is blocked) if wallets are unlocked people are not going to trust in my coin, i just want to take what is necessary for certains things, like marketing or expenses like fees and devs, i want to make a trusted coin, but i have to cover my expenses, are % of wallets Okey? Or are too much? sorry I'm too virgin on this, i appreciate if anyone help me or if anyone can give me a template like that... And sorry for my English i speak Spanish. Thank you so much people

Did you search the forum before posting? There's a lot of relevant posts.

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Yes i search the forum but i don't know where to look, if u can help me i appreciate, i just don't know where to start... And i don't want to copy/paste a random contract. I want a good contract, with those characteristics or something like that, and i want to know where can i go to lock liquidity and contract without paying a lot of money like dxsale or pages like thats. Thanks again

Just search for a good launchpad that does this for you.