I'm new to this and i need a custom contract for my token
5% goes to each buy each sale as a reward
5% to marketing
5% to liquidity
And i also want to reward token holders
500 tokens and as long as you hold that many tokens you get say 5 new tokens each month tbey hold it i wanna to this for say 1000 token holders 2000 token holders
Is this possible
Also looking for help with deployingthe token
Hello @Dirty_South_Radio ,
I can help.
Please reach me at henry@cisinlabs.com or conenct me over on skype for quick discussion.
Henry P
Skype - live:.cid.dc5377d1a462c5b4
Hit me up on telegram @blackluv10
I just created similar contract that has been audited
I'll glad to help you for smart contract development, deployment and verify source code.
Telegram: https://t.me/fullstackweb3dev
Have a nice day!
here is my telegram i finally figure out the link https://t.me/dirtysouthradio