Hey @Guceri! Based on the discussion from the other thread, is it possible that you have set up your Autotask as a condition, as opposed to a trigger? If so, the Autotask will be invoked by the Sentinel to decide if a set of txs should be a match or no, and your Autotask is supposed to return an object indicating the matched txs. If you are not returning anything, then the Sentinel will consider the txs did not match.
If you just want to execute code when a tx is matched by a sentinel, you want to set up your autotask as a notification, not a condition. You do that in the "edit notifications" section of the sentinel. Make sure to remove it from the "conditions" section as well!
As for the Defender is not able to process contracts right now, this may be an issue with the Mumbai RPC provider. It seems to be working now, but please let us know if that's not the case.