Looking for an ERC20 dev to make some changes to my smart contract / Dapp

I have a basic erc20 token exchange Dapp which i have created by following a tutorial. It uses react/web3 on the front end, it uses private blockchain on ganache.
The exchange is currently decentralized and required metamask, it works like this:

  • Dapp connects to metamask
  • User deposits ETH to exchange contract
  • User can then make orders and fill orders on the contract

I am trying to build a blockchain game that is not decentralised and require the following changes:

  • Remove the need for metamask and hard-code an address/private key (Just for one player) so that transactions are automatically signed. (the address/private key should be stored in a file so i can change it)
  • Change the contract so that transactions on the contract can be made without depositing to the actual contract first, so if i add more contracts/tokens the player can interact with all contracts using his erc20 address

Please post if you are interested in the job or contact me on telegram:


that sounds interesting. I'm not super familiar with react/web3 but what you're asking for shouldnt be too hard. I'll send you a message on tg :slight_smile:

Hello Alex.

I am interested, reach me at https://join.skype.com/invite/i5fXQCdgyCFd

or you can also email me at seth (at) cisinlabs (dot) com
