Looking for a GOOD coder for a bsc-smartcontract


I’m looking for a coder for a BSC smart contract with the following functions: a tax on purchases, split as described below, a tax on sales, as described below, a charity wallet that I can permanently transfer to someone and a dividend wallet that is filled by the purchase and sales tax and is paid out to the holder at regular intervals and to a small extent (3%) to a wallet for the project owner.

Address with tax at:
-Total purchase 3%: 1% redistribution, 1% liq pool, 0.5% dividend wallet, 0.5% burn

  • 4% sale in total: 2% redistribution, 0.5% liq, 0.5% dividend wallet, 0.5% burn, 0.5% charity

Dividend wallet paid out every 3 months, relative to the shares held by the holder plus 3% of the collected dividend amount at the same time paid out to the project owners to 3 wallets each, 1% for each of these three wallets.

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Hi there,

I will be glad to help you with the contract.

You can contact me through:

