Liquidity suppression strategy with limit ERC 20 UniV2

Hello everyone, I deployed a token a few months ago, provided liquidity (1 ETH), locked liquidity, and renounced to the ownership.

The specifics of the contract are:

  • 1,000,000,000 supply
  • 20,000,000 max tokens per address
  • 5% on buy / 5% on sell

For a few days the liquidity has been released and I wish to recover it. However, it is impossible for me to remove everything at once given the limit of 20,000,000 tokens (I am no longer the owner and I am therefore subject to the limits) and I wanted to know if you had a viable strategy to be the most effective.

I was thinking of withdrawing 20,000,000 tokens in packets, and sending them each time to a random address just to get rid of them and do this until I got all my ETH back.

According to this strategy I will have to perform 100 transactions (50 removing lps + 50 transfer of the token), do you have a more efficient way please?

Thank you for reading to the end, hoping for your help :slightly_smiling_face: :heart: :heart: