Level 0 Gas Price Issues for Ethernaut

I am trying to start the Ethernaut course and am coming across and issue where I need to fill my wallet of the Sepolia testnet with SepoliaETH, I used two different faucets that gave me approximately .15 SepoliaETH. When trying to spin up a new instance I get the following contract to authorize in my metamask wallet.

My question is, how do I get this much SepoliaETH to cover the gas costs to complete this course? It seems that faucets only give .1 and .5 drips. Anyone else come across this?

Hi, welcome to the community! :wave:

Yes, it is a little hard to get Sepolia ETH, but I think if you are trying to solve the Level 1 Fallback, have 0.15 ETH is enough.
BTY you can have a test on your local env, it is more easier to debug the transaction to find out what is wrong.

Have fun!

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Finally, he chose another network: Amoy.

hey! thanks for the reply here. what do you mean by "local env" here? I'm just running this via the browser client? Is there a different client that's more accessible?

Also, I am technically on level 0 and am running into an issue where when I click "get new instance" I get the following issue

leading to me not being able to run basic commands like "contract"

Any idea what I can do here? Besides waiting every 24 hours to get a drip from a random faucet?

I mean maybe you can use a off-line environment, that deploying the contract on your local environment and then test.

Yes, you should use this way.

Maybe no, but it supports more testnet.

Yes, for the level 0. you should deploy a new contract to learn how to use the browser console to interact with the contract.

Just waiting for the transaction to be confirmed.

yes what is the offline environment here? Do you have a link to a repo or something?

Maybe you can have a look at this repo: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/ethernaut/tree/master/contracts/src/levels

ah ok thank you.I was just doing it via the web client.

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