Hi everyone, I’m starting out my coding journey. I know some HTML and that is about it.
Am working on a group project for a smart contract course I am taking but a lot of the basics I am still unsure about. I decided to just take it one step at a time and document it here for accountability purposes and to make it more fun rather than having it as a lonely endeavour. I found the crypto zombies, built my factory, now I will learn how zombies can attack their victims (Lesson 2).
Since I am only now starting to blog about this, I count this as day 1.
So for today, I completed the second lesson and had some cryptozombies eat cryptokitties.
chapter on mappings and addresses: why would we need to have both, a mapping that tracks the addresses that own a zombie and a mapping that tracks how many zombies an owner has, can’t it be done with just one code? I mean once I know the addresses that own a zombie, should be easy to identify which addresses own how many - still trying to get into the coding logic here I guess and wondering about the intricacies of mappings.
It is interesting that information on the blockchain, i.e. in this case the crypto kitty DNA can be used in my smart contract.
The term “API” popped up, I heard it several times, will have to look it up, it seems to be connected to a web server and it is not decentralized, rather centralised and could be a company’s API, such as the image of the cryptokitties.
Now I am wondering if images as such can be stored on a blockchain at all, I think I read something about “Avastars” that claimed they could store the images on the blockchain, unsure how that is possible, maybe when I get to later stages, I will understand better.
As a coding newbie it was rather challenging to get correct answers right away but it did not discourage me from trying again. Only when I could not come up with the correct answer after multiple tries, would I check the answer. Out of 14 chapters, that was three.
–> I had a challenging time regarding storage vs memory
–> unsure when underscore needs to be used before a word and when it is not necessary (such as _id vs id)
–> when do I need to use " " and when can I just type in a word, e.g.
_createZombie(“NoName”, newDna), why do I need " "?
–> some value % 100 gets me to the last two digits of that value (yeah pretty nice)