I sent ETH Base instead of ETH to my OpenZeppline relayer address

:computer: Environment


Hi Sir, I created a defender openZeppelin account today. I created a relayer. In that relayer there was an address to deposit ETH.

I bymistakely deposited ETH Base , so even after transaction is success i see 0.0 ETH in my relayer address.

I see the transactions happened.
in eatherscan. adding the screenshots

Please tell me sir how I can move that Base ETH to Ethereum currency in my defender relayer wallet

Also how i can access my relayer address 0x41f1F5867cdAb0124231C5A4c59D875e0Bc8701d

:1234: Code to reproduce

Thanks for getting in touch @aryanbhadrak.

You can "clone" your relayer to any supported network. This will create a relayer with the same address.
Clone your relayer from the Manage -> Relayers page to the Base network to access your funds.

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