How to verify TIKI forks on Etherscan/Bscscan

Hey guys,
I am making this post because I have seen many people finding issues during verification process of this TIKI clones.
The process is slightly different from normal contracts, but it is always easy.
TIKI contract uses a library called IterableMapping. This library will be deployed at the same time of the main contract deployment. You will pay 2 transactions for this reason.

  1. Start the verification process of the Token contract.

  2. Make sure to select Multi-Files if you have multiple files imported in Token contract

  3. Upload all the necessary files

  4. Check optimization. It must be the same of Remix at deployment time.

  5. Now check the first transaction you paid on th explorer.

    This is the IterableMapping library.

  6. Copy the contract address

  7. Go back to verification window and on Library Address section add in the first field:
    Name: IterableMapping
    Address: the contract address you copied at step 6.

  8. Confirm


absolutely based guy. :ok_hand:

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I will go through this.


Whats the reason behind the need for this? Why do you need to put a 001 on the number of tokens to buy?

You’re a hero.

Can I ask you something? How do these contracts make the rewards BNB? Past that there have been forks now that are rewarding other tokens/coins such as babyxrp rewards XRP, and there are various others that reward busd/dai/usdt. But when im looking through these contracts im not understanding how it is obtaining these secondary assets to reward native token holders. How is this working?

babyxrp contract which rewards xrp

Curiously im wondering how to do this for any bep-20 token. Where the fees for trading Token A buys Token B to distribute to holders of Token A


@FreezyEx it says error identifying bytecode

are you sure 2nd transaction is for lterablemapping?

Becasue at the time of deployment - Firstly it asked for contract deployment fee and Secondly asked for lterablemappin deployment fee.

Contract Deployment fee was very less the lterablemapping deployment fee.

I followed your guidelines, but after verification it was showing a message:


Because you are verifying the contract, and the cheaper trx is for IterableMapping, the expensive one is for the token.
You see that message because you verified the main token not the IterableMapping library

so can I now verify lterabemapping contract now?

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I am using single file.

can I add blacklist and marketing wallet features with this code? if so, any guidelines?

multiple files as in?

thanks freezy, took me awhile to figure out the transaction for IterableMapping was the lower cost one. thank you again sir. you are the man

It doesn't work for me.
Throws an error about bytecode

It will be verified separately.