Hi! I hope this is the correct place to post my question. I tried this post, but couldn't get the verification to work:
I made an ERC20 token with the OZ wizard(permit is not included), 100 000 000 tokens preminted, security email is added, MIT license. I compiled this on remix(compiler verions 8.2.6fa7a, Solidity, EVM Paris version) and used wallet connect to transfer it to metamask. The token was sucessfully added to meta and I can send and receive transactions. But I can not verify it on bscan, not matter what I do. Can someone please help me? I have the contract address if needed.
You have to set the settings to be the same:
Solidity compiler(left on https://remix.ethereum.org), lanuage and evm, advanced configuration, disable optimization, go to file explorer in remix on the left, find the file contract-jasdjoasdo.sol, right click and click flatten.