How to verify ERC1967proxy contract

I deployed a ERC721 by using UUPS with Remix, i can verify ERC721 contract by using hardhat,but cannot verify ERC721Proxy contract.


截屏2022-08-13 11.19.03

wrong Message:

zyq@zhangyongdemini contracts % npx hardhat verify --network bsctest  --contract node_modules/@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/ERC1967/ERC1967Proxy.sol:ERC1967Proxy 0x93c213318eB8c85d18B9E98544d031AE8292F17f
Verifying implementation: 0xAA0164c1402f773d6c7BD7B524a7AA179a2F0041
Nothing to compile
Failed to verify implementation contract at 0xAA0164c1402f773d6c7BD7B524a7AA179a2F0041: The contract node_modules/@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/ERC1967/ERC1967Proxy.sol:ERC1967Proxy is not present in your project.
Verifying proxy: 0x93c213318eB8c85d18B9E98544d031AE8292F17f
Failed to verify ERC1967Proxy contract at 0x93c213318eB8c85d18B9E98544d031AE8292F17f: Bytecode does not match with the current version of ERC1967Proxy in the Hardhat Upgrades plugin.
Linking proxy 0x93c213318eB8c85d18B9E98544d031AE8292F17f with implementation
Successfully linked proxy to implementation.
An unexpected error occurred:

Error: Verification completed with the following errors.

Error 1: Failed to verify implementation contract at 0xAA0164c1402f773d6c7BD7B524a7AA179a2F0041: The contract node_modules/@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/ERC1967/ERC1967Proxy.sol:ERC1967Proxy is not present in your project.

Error 2: Failed to verify ERC1967Proxy contract at 0x93c213318eB8c85d18B9E98544d031AE8292F17f: Bytecode does not match with the current version of ERC1967Proxy in the Hardhat Upgrades plugin.