Hi! Just wanted to ask quickly, how can I get some test Ether from Rinkeby: Authenticated Faucet when I don't have a Facebook/Twitter account? I don't have any kind of social media account, because I'm not allowed on social media.
I found an article on Stack Exchange (Are there any rinkeby testnet faucets that don't require social network accounts?) that had a reply that said someone could get 0.001 Ether from this link: http://rinkeby-faucet.com/. But I don't trust it, 1) because it's HTTP instead of HTTPS, and 2) for whatever reason, I can't go to the site now (my computer has software that blocks certain sites, hence why I don't have social media). So, does anyone know of a way I can get some legitimate Rinkeby Ether without social media? Thanks in advance!
Does anyone think that @tarbusca should be the unofficial Rinkeby ETH person, for people who can't use the faucet (or if the faucet isn't working for some reason Rinkebi faucet doesn't work)? @tarbusca is very helpful.