But I'm still feeling a little confused to implement the operation. I don't know how to get Merkle root via Merkle-tree.js and my transactions like blow:
0x001873abd9b26447a7a6ab2e41ddd6a8da3be08a 10000
0x0208bf7897cd6240a6cad7d972f4b8b3b1cd9a5a 1000
0x03377073f2421fc3d9eafe9e235a820c4038ec8b 10000
Thanks for your replying, that’s the idea I referred to. I think the logic of the contract is not complicated, but not familiar with the Merkle proof as well as you. whatever, thanks for your help
I assume you can encode/concatenate the data of the address and the amount of tokens and use the Uniswap example @skyge gave you. (Thanks as always @skyge)
Thanks, I have found the solution of how to generate a Merkle root in Uniswap’s GitHub repo(Merkle Distributor) and love to share it with you:
In short, I need to execute the “generate_merkle_root.tx” file with the following code: ts-node scripts/generate-merkle-root.ts --input scripts/airdrop_list.json
1 airdrop_list.json is customized on my own. It is a white list and the format is the following:
after generate airdroplist in json and get merkle root, how do i get Uniswap Distributor's smartcontract deployer? i try to generate from deployMerkleDistributor.js it generate smartcontract