Hi, I am trying to use truffle & web3 on hardhat with @openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades
helpers. The problem i’m experiencing is the image below. Any idea how I can solve this issue?
Hi @lucusra,
Welcome to the community
It looks like you are testing with Hardhat when you have Truffle migrations, is that correct?
Hi @abcoathup,
Thank you
Yes, I am using Truffle migrations. I’m trying to move a project from Ganache to Hardhat for the accelerated production benefits. Unfortunately, the deployProxy seems to be hindering my progress
Let me know if there is anything I can provide to help clear things up!
I’m open to a private chat also if you’d prefer that.
Hi @lucusra,
is built to work with Truffle, and does not work with Hardhat’s compatibility layer. This is something we could fix eventually but at the moment you need to use Hardhat with @openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades
, which works with hardhat-ethers
Hi @frangio,
Thank you for the quick response. I’ll look into moving to ethers now, thank you