Governor not emits the sender

Looking at the Governor, I realize that ProposalCanceled and ProposalQueued doesn't emit the sender.

Using the ethers's transaction.from in js gives the address that initiated the tx from the beginning - meaning that if we have A => B => Governor, it won't give address of B which is what I need.

  1. May I know why and what made you decide this ? It could be pretty helpful to know who cancelled/queued the proposal.
  2. How can this be solved without using trace debug API which requires archival node and I don't have archival node.

Thank you.

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I am not sure, maybe this data is not important.
For ProposalCanceled, I think the default case is only the proposal proposer can cancel the proposal.

Yeah, you are right, the transaction will return the A, as for B => Governor, this is the message call, it will not be published on the blockchain. Maybe you can have a look at this: you can instrument the EVM yourself, then you can know the value changes during the transaction execution.

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