Gas limit exceeded on clicking deploy in remix

I am constantly getting below error while deploying my smart contract for personal identity security.
Once I click to deploy it on remix after compilation, a pop up comes depicting gas storage is infinite.

Please let me know the reason and solutions to this. It's urgent!!!!!
My contract is attached below :

pragma solidity ^0.4.0;

contract identity


    bytes32 public username;

    bytes32 public loc;

    address password;

    address _pass;

    uint public age;

    uint public phone;

    uint public acnum;

    uint public adhar;

    address owner;


    function identity()


        owner = msg.sender;  


    modifier onlyOwner


      require(msg.sender == owner);




    event Instructor


        bytes32 username,

        address password,

        bytes32 loc,

        uint age,

        uint phone,

        uint acnum,

        uint adhar          



    function Registration(bytes32 _username, address _password, bytes32 _loc, uint _age, uint _phone, uint _acnum, uint _adhar) onlyOwner public


        username = _username;

        password = _password;

        loc = _loc;

        age = _age;

        phone = _phone;

        acnum = _acnum;

        adhar = _adhar;

        Instructor(_username, _password, _loc, _age, _phone, _acnum, _adhar);



    function getInstructor() public constant returns(bytes32, address, bytes32, uint, uint, uint, uint)


        return(username, password, loc, age, phone, acnum, adhar);



    modifier onlyLogin


      require(password == _pass);




    function login(bytes32 _username, address _pass) onlyLogin public


        username = _username;

        password = _pass;  



    function getLogin() public constant returns(bytes32, address)





I was able to deploy the same contract in remix using compiler version 0.4.26.
The contract is far behind as compared to the recent development of the solidity compiler, I would suggest you to use the latest compiler which is 0.8.7 & please look into the compiler warnings and fix those in remix itself.

Can u please share the improved contract of mine I am not able to come with a soln!!!