Gas estimation failed problem remix ethereum

Hello community, I am deploying a smart contact through ethereum remix, the problem I have is this


I tried on other networks like polygon and bsc, it works correctly, but on the Ethereum network I have this problem, will it be the gas limit that I assign? Which one would you recommend?

can you share contract?

There shouldn't be an issue regarding the gas limit. If it worked on Polygon and BSC, it should also function on Ethereum with the same gas limit. The amount of gas units you'll spend remains unchanged, regardless of the network. However, what does vary is the price you'll be paying for the gas in GWEI and the corresponding GWEI price. It's important to ensure that you have sufficient funds in your wallet to cover the gas expenses at the established price.

That's the most general advice I can provide without examining the actual code. Another possibility (although we would need the code to verify) is that you might be attempting to execute a function without the necessary privileges. Since you're deploying it, I recommend checking the constructor.

I hope this information proves helpful. If not, we would require more details to assist you further. Best of luck!

Gas estimation issues can be tricky. It might indeed be related to the gas limit you've set. For Ethereum, it can vary depending on the complexity of your contract. Try increasing the gas limit a bit, but be cautious not to overdo it. It's often a bit of trial and error, but you'll get there! Also, you can use Oil Profit to make your trading more profitable. Good luck!