Gas estimate failed, trying eth_call to extract error on Pancakeswap fork

A made a fork of Pancakeswap, I can create add liquidity to pools, but not remove the LP tokens.
Same Issue when I try to swap a token, I have the error “Gas estimate failed, trying eth_call to extract error”

:computer: Environment
Used Remix to deploy contracts, all modification in front end are done.

I already tried to remake the plateform from pancakeswap code several times, I have always the same issue.

:1234: Code to reproduce
I have this issue when i try to remove liquidity : estimateGas failed 0 removeLiquidityWithPermit, and when I swap I have the issue : Gas estimate failed, trying eth_call to extract error, with function swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens

hi, this problem resolved? any resolution?
thank you .

I have the same problem.couldnt resolved . did you solved