First look at the upcoming OpenZeppelin Foundry Upgrades library

Hi everyone!

We’ve been working on a Foundry library to help with deploying and upgrading proxies from Forge scripts and tests. This library includes built-in support for running the same types of upgrade safety checks and storage layout comparisons that are featured in our Hardhat plugin.

Check out the Foundry Upgrades repository here:

This is currently available as a technology preview and its functionality can change. We invite you to try it out and let us know what you think, so that we can aim to make it even more useful for your scenarios. You can leave feedback here, in the forum or open issues in the GitHub repository.


do you have a way to use this plugin with openzeppelin contracts older version?

I'm trying to migrate the project wihch was deployed from Hardhat to foundry.

We wanna keep the openzeppelin contracts and solc verison, so we have to use 4.9.3.

@logic_fei Thanks for the request. This isn't supported at the moment but I think it makes sense to add. Opened GitHub issue, feel free to continue the discussion in that issue and let us know whether the proposed changes would cover your use case.