Defender multisig upgrade proposal quota

Hi OZ,

We are trying to do some multisig upgrade proposals using the API and are hitting quota limits.
Can we get an insight in what the default quota is and how we can raise it?
It seems they expire very slowly as we did some proposals last week, but we still get 402's now.

Kind regards,


Hi @Archethect_Archethec,

Could you share what quota exactly you seem to be hitting from the error message?
The only relevant one I can think of is the amount of contracts you can import, which for free users is 30.

HI @nami

Sure, we are using the following code:
const proposal = await defender.proposeUpgrade(proxyAddress, OurContract, {getTxResponse: true, useDeployedImplementation: false, unsafeAllowCustomTypes: true});

and we get the following error:

Preparing proposal for OurContract upgrade...
Note: `unsafeAllowCustomTypes` is no longer necessary. Structs are enums are automatically checked.

An unexpected error occurred:

Error: ERROR processing
DefenderApiResponseError: Request failed with status code 402

@nami is there anything we can do to speed up this issue? We are blocked from bringing our contracts live sadly because of this.

Hi @Archethect_Archethec -

Please send us an email to with your tenant ID and we can look into this. Your tenant ID can be found by clicking the hamburger menu in the upper right of the Defender UI.

Done. Thanks for following up.

Hi @Archethect_Archethec -

I'm seeing this account is right at the cap of contracts allowed for the free tier. My guess is this is why you are receiving the 402. Could you please try deleting a contract or two and attempting the request again?

@dan_oz @nami , I just tried again and I have the same problem (402 error). We now only have 16 contracts in defender... So I suppose this is not the solution?

We are using this guide:

Just for visibility. This issue was resolved by changing the API keys and making sure they belong to the same tenant.