Hey i’m a french entrepreneur, i would like to create my own token exchange for the sports industry with the help of Zepplin
What’s the best practices, i’m new in this typologie of development (smart contract)
I seek tutorial
Hey i’m a french entrepreneur, i would like to create my own token exchange for the sports industry with the help of Zepplin
What’s the best practices, i’m new in this typologie of development (smart contract)
I seek tutorial
Bonjour @philou2016, welcome to the forum!
You should probably first learn about ERC20 tokens: take a look at our guide as a starting point, and ask here any questions or doubts you may have!
I believe that before you begin smart contract development process. You need to know which blockchain platform will help your business then you need to contact the reputed smart contract development company which has experience of delievering smart contracts on major blockchain platforms.
Hi @Manish_Mishra,
Welcome to the community
We occasionally get community members looking for developers. I suggest you create a topic in #general with examples of some of your work that your company has built.
If you have any projects that use OpenZeppelin open source technology then you may also want to post them in #general:showcase