Contract not getting listen on opensea mainnet, however shows NFTs in metamask & works on testnet

Hello everyone!

Just as the title says, on opensea testnets mumbai and ropsten, it 'imports' the smart contract to create the collection, however on the polygon mainnet, the same contracts are working perfectly.
The NFTs even show in my wallet on the mainnet, the contract is verified on etherscan & I can mint.
Please check

Is there anything special I have to do for the mainnet opensea to accept my smart contract?

Thank you very much!!

I created a new smart contract and added

import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/token/ERC721/IERC721Upgradeable.sol";

Now it seems to work, still, I fail to understand why on the testnet opensea, it worked without it...
Sometimes development makes no sense.

Hey @Thomas . Did you figure out why this happened? . I am facing the same challenge , though I have not imported the upgradeable contract . It is just not adding up to me that by importing the contract you mentioned, the NFT will show in opensea mainnet.
Please if you have more to say about this issue let me know thanks.

Hey, never found a fix for this, stopped after a while hoping they would solve it, sad to hear it is still happening...
Good luck!

The issue still persist. I am writing to them to know the way forward.

thanks for your reply Thomas