Can't swap my new token in the charity wallet

I just listed a new token on pancakeswap, I added 12.5 BNB to liquidity. I am now trying to swap $50 in the charity wallet to make the first donation, but I can’t swap. I always get one of these 2 errors:

The transaction cannot succeed due to error: execution reverted: PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT.


The transaction cannot succeed due to error: execution reverted: Pancake: K.

Any ideas?

ok did you tried to set slippage? if yes how much did you put? Also can you provide the contract link so we can see the code? thanks

Yes I tried all sorts of slippage up to 20% and still didn’t work.

Here it is:

Thank you

DId you tried to decrease the amount?

yes I did, but it didn’t work either.

Well I just tried and it worked.

Thank you, I appreciate you trying to help, but I still can’t. I don’t get it, you’d imagine that when you add 12.5 BNB to liquidity you’d be able to make $50 swaps.

Hey, I just checked your token on pancakeswap and saw that you still got some money in it.

Can you remove the liquidity? If that is the problem, I might be able to help you as I recently had the same problem with my own token. What worked for me was to set 'SwapEnabled' to false and then try to withdraw very small percentages at a time. You can also try to set to WBNB instead of BNB.

If you want I can help you over chat, my telegram is But I would want a share of the liquidity, if we get it to work.

Hope you'll get your money out!