I just listed a new token on pancakeswap, I added 12.5 BNB to liquidity. I am now trying to swap $50 in the charity wallet to make the first donation, but I can’t swap. I always get one of these 2 errors:
The transaction cannot succeed due to error: execution reverted: PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT.
The transaction cannot succeed due to error: execution reverted: Pancake: K.
Thank you, I appreciate you trying to help, but I still can’t. I don’t get it, you’d imagine that when you add 12.5 BNB to liquidity you’d be able to make $50 swaps.
Hey, I just checked your token on pancakeswap and saw that you still got some money in it.
Can you remove the liquidity? If that is the problem, I might be able to help you as I recently had the same problem with my own token. What worked for me was to set 'SwapEnabled' to false and then try to withdraw very small percentages at a time. You can also try to set to WBNB instead of BNB.
If you want I can help you over chat, my telegram is https://t.me/manniManfr_ed. But I would want a share of the liquidity, if we get it to work.