My contract uses OpenZeppelin @openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades
to deploy proxy for contract. It worked very well with ropsten and ethereum mainnet, in particular it was possible to interact with proxy contract via etherscan “Write as Proxy” interface.
However on bscscan which I believe is the clone of etherscan I can not verify proxy as proxy:
contract https://testnet.bscscan.com/address/0x894b3179392161dd6b12d043e361be40c9c2a28c#code gets verified but when I use “is this proxy” feature it can’t detect correct address, instead it suppose that implementation address is long senseless hex string. I also upgraded contract to new implementation, in case that there were any cache problems, but still no luck.
It is especially strange since the same contract was verified as proxy by somebody else before https://testnet.bscscan.com/address/0x3244260df6999253d551c7094a8985f0b61a466c#code
I’m not sure that it is openzeppelin issue, maybe something is wrong on bscscan side, but since this forum is the first place to go for openzeppelin users I believe it is appropriate place to discuss the issue.