Hello! I am trying to verify my BSC Token Smart Contract but I cannot seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. Please help. Also is the contract address the one that you use to input the wallet of the token? Or the actual contract Sign Transfer Address? I believe this is the address to my smart contract that I need to verify for my token. And the photo shows one of the errors.
I am not able to update my profile info on bscscan thats what I am trying to do. When I try it says that I need to verify the contract ownership. How do I do this?
Okay I am not the developer it was cointools. So I contacted them. I need to get access to the account that they used to verify it or else I cant change my token info or upload a photo.
Hi could you help me? I added you on discord but it’s pretty urgent. I have the same problem and i know it’s a lot to ask but could you please verify my contract? This is the hash: 0x00afb2e9d3b0f8033eb206e42b21a4ce91a5cf52
I’m also having issues with people not being able to sell our token without being whitelisted, which bypasses our tokenomics. Also, I have yet to receive any BNB from the 2.6 BNB we’ve raise on IDO with cointool.app. Anyone else have experience with cointool.app?
npx hardhat verify --network mumbai 0xFd40b281104e540e4077a85CfbbA7B14445e62f2
Nothing to compile
An unexpected error occurred:
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/aveeshshetty/Desktop/polygon-contracts/artifacts/build-info/17d46b60-b124-440a-99b6-26f141bf728c.json'] {
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'open',
path: '/Users/aveeshshetty/Desktop/polygon-contracts/artifacts/build-info/17d46b60-b124-440a-99b6-26f141bf728c.json'