BSC Coin Creation, Automatic LP Creation issue

HI All,

I have forked the Safemoon code to get my head around the world of smart contracts.

One small issue, It seems in Safemoons code if I have set correctly, When 100 tokens are sold the Contract should auto add liquidity.

I am deploying this on the BSC testnet and using the Testnet pancake swap ( with the Router address of (0x9Ac64Cc6e4415144C455BD8E4837Fea55603e5c3)

However when adding the initial liquidity, After then buying coins on the market using the “swap” function the contract does not seem to generate additional LP at least BSCScan is showing the same amount of LP tokens.

Token / Contract address : 0x77f0479a5c736f48d3f5bcf3ef19b3d33d70ef92

Lp Address :

If anyone could point me in the right direction of where i am going wrong i would be very grateful!

Kind Regards

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any luck? I’m on the same boat. Also where you able to swap tokens using the BSC testnet interface?

Hey, im curious, did u resolve it????