While using Defender for relaying transactions, it is giving following error message from last few days: Details
"stack": "DefenderApiResponseError: Request failed with status code 400\n at rejectWithDefenderApiError (node_modules/defender-base-client/lib/api/api.js:11:27)\n at runMicrotasks ()\n at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
n at node_modules/defender-relay-client/lib/api/index.js:92:21\n at ApiRelayer.apiCall (node_modules/defender-base-client/lib/api/client.js:25:20)\n at DefenderRelaySigner.sendTransaction (node_modules/defender-relay-client/lib/ethers/signer.js:122:15)"
This Relayer has quite a few NOOPs built up, I would recommend adminstratively clearing it. Please email us at defender-support@openzeppelin.com requesting us to clear this Relayer from an email attached to this account and include a link to this message.
@aagrawal I came across your post and was just wondering if you managed to find a solution to the issue you were facing? I've encountered a similar problem myself, so I'd really appreciate it if you could share any insights or fixes that you might have come across.