After almost a month of worktest, and having helped a lot of people in the #support category along the way, @abcoathup has proved to be a fantastic Community Manager and is now part of the Zeppelin team!
After almost a month of worktest, and having helped a lot of people in the #support category along the way, @abcoathup has proved to be a fantastic Community Manager and is now part of the Zeppelin team!
I am loving the opportunity to get to help the community every day.
If you have suggestions on how we can improve our community, please let me know.
Thank you to everyone in the community , you have been so welcoming and supportive. Especially as I come up to speed with some of the technology I was less familiar with (e.g. ZeppelinOS and ZepKit).
Congrats @abcoathup!
The right man for the job!
Thanks @bbarton really appreciate your messages of support.