Hi, guys.
Could anybody explain my fault?
I'm trying to pass the level and it looks like everything should be fine but it it's not.
The instance is at 0x507A2ad3B623DD47EBFBedbAfa47186002B587e1
The engine is at: 0xf4dbaf8d04b4fba841ba99fd537063697a94fb20
The helper conract is at 0x9352EE5d3eBe15378128c259e0203C04C324Fe9b.
The tx I sent says that the engine contract was selfdestcructed but when I tried to submit the level the system says that it's not.
I'd appreciate any feedback.
Hi. I went through the same thing. You can see the open issue here(https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/ethernaut/issues/701).
It seems like the selfdestruct() no longer destroys the contract.
also You can check EIP-6780.
So, In conclusion, it seems like the Motorbike level is no longer solvable
Ok, thanks for letting me know.
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