What tool to use to deploy contracts to mainnet

hi i used mew to deploy contracts and its done in main ethere network
but it couldnt verified openzeppelin contrcats .

i have tried to metamask all its done in rinkby and its verified,
but i tried to deploy same contract to the ethereum main network
and it is still pending for 2 days . Speed up is not working

Where can i deploy to contracts to the main ethereum network ???

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Hi @marslan,

I use either Truffle or Buidler (now Hardhat) to deploy to mainnet as described in the Learn guides:

I tend to only use Remix for quick experimentation on testnets. I haven’t used MEW for deploying, so not sure how much control you have and what ability you have to write and run unit tests.

I suggest looking at: Points to consider when creating a fungible token (ERC20, ERC777)

I would recommend writing and running unit tests prior to mainnet deployment.

I recommend checking the gas price prior to deploying on mainnet:

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Hi @marslan,

I wanted to check if you needed any more information?

Thank you Mr Abcoathup , i was trying to code my own Erc20 Token,but i see that openzeppelin brings the community succesfully coded Erc20 token contracts whit other insturments and specifications.
That is a great job. I think i have learned enough about openzeppelin contracts including truffle , flattener, buidler whit your support.
Now i am working on my cyrpo project ,I would like to get more support from you and your company if I get a successful path in my project.
Best regards :slight_smile:

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