Hey, I just launched a token on the main net for fun
I was wondering how to lock any erc20 token into a contract address
I came to this article but still don’t know how to implement it, Do I use mew, or deploy a new contract with remix Ethereum IDE and send it to the contract address.
Can someone help me go through it step by step if you would.
Thank you!
Hey thanks for the reply, very helpful.
I use remix not truffle.
If you don’t mind doing a step by step instruction for remix, that would great.
Thanks for the help!
You can use the following instructions to deploy OpenZeppelin TokenTimelock with Remix
I deployed the example SimpleToken ERC20 to Ropsten testnet and then deployed TokenTimelock. I recommend deploying on a testnet first before deploying to mainnet.
For the new version of Remix you will need to activate some plugins (if you haven’t already).
Activate “Solidity Compiler” module plugin
Activate “Deploy & Run Transactions” module plugin
From the home tab, File: “Import From”: GitHub the following files: (TokenTimelock and its dependencies)
In the Remix File Explorer select the smart contract, TokenTimelock.sol
Select the Solidity Compiler module (Activate the module if you haven’t already)
Choose a compiler e.g. 0.5.9+commit.e560f70d
Press Compile
The compiler will advise if you are missing any imported contracts or libraries
Select the “Deploy & Run Transactions” module (Activate the module if you haven’t already)
If using MetaMask, change the Environment to InjectedWeb3.
Recommend always first deploying to a testnet
Select the contract and specify any constructor values.
For TokenTimelock specify:
token address e.g. ERC20 token address
beneficiary address e.g. External account to release tokens to
releaseTime (seconds since unix epoch) e.g. 1569925800 (you can use an online converter such as https://www.epochconvert.com/)
Hey again, thanks for the instruction. Sorry for the late reply but I wasn’t able to comment because of a review of my account. But thanks again, will try it out this weekend.