I had the same error with deployProxy and it says
Error: Timed out waiting for implementation contract deployment to address 0x8B438C6B4cd78139A536BF8D6f5845C3ffB526A0 with transaction 0x14f9c61c01ce4dd15dfd27a46c4dc241eee7cdb18ecb47edcdbc6d7028571dfc
Run the function again to continue waiting for the transaction confirmation. If the problem persists, adjust the polling parameters with the timeout and pollingInterval options.
I checked the txHash and contract address, and it is successfully deployed, but Proxy and ProxyAdmin were not deployed yet.
First, I set the timeout & pollingInterval and tried the script again, it had the same error.
Next, I set useDeployedImplementation to true, but the new implementation contract was deployed.
How can I extend the timeout duration or rerun the script using the deployed implementation contract?
I'm encountering the same error when deploying to local networks hosted in a Windows Docker environment, such as Ganache and Hardhat. I've already tried the following:
Increased the max gas limit.
Adjusted pooling parameters.
Extended the timeout.
However, the deployProxy function still returns the same error. @frangio@ericglau
@thamali002 Ganache is deprecated. If you are getting the error with Hardhat network, please provide the listed information linked from my comment above.
I notice that the arguments for the initializer that you are passing in from your script ["Wallet address of PK"] do not match with the arguments of your initializer in your contract initialize(string memory name, string memory symbol). Ensure you are passing in the correct arguments.
You can also try deploying the implementation first, by using deployImplementation and waiting for that deployment to complete, then run deployProxy after.
My network is hardhat configured in a local machine Docker container When Checking the container logs we can see the implementation contract deployed already. But "Timed out waiting for implementation contract deployment to address" triggered when trying to deploy. @ericglau
@thamali002 Thanks for providing this information. Do you get the issue even when running with a local hardhat node (without Docker)? I wonder if it is related to your configuration.
Can you try the following to get a new Hardhat project, and see if that works? And then you can try configuring it as needed.