PancakeFactory BSCScan Verification Problem

Hi, We are trying to clone pancekeswap but we can't verify bsc.

We are getting this error

Error! Unable to generate Contract ByteCode and ABI
Found the following ContractName(s) in source code : IERC20 , IPancakeCallee , IPancakeERC20 , IPancakeFactory , IPancakePair , Math , PancakeERC20 , PancakeFactory , PancakePair , SafeMath , UQ112x112

Our Factory Contract : 0x7F08C5e1c34fe16DD68496E9910F1C072725D5FF

Thank you

I have read your posting job and I think I can help you.
Please contact @DesarrollaorTalentosa in Telegram.
Kind regards.

This is Robert Miller from US.
I have read your problem and I have a solution what you are looking for.
Please contact @cryptodev1990 in Telegram.


I can help you. please connect on telegram @hreela