Verify PancakeFactory smart contract on BSC Testnet

I tried to verify PancakeFactory on BSC Testnet contract from

I ran into this error!

:no_entry_sign:Unable to generate Contract ByteCode and ABI
Found the following ContractName(s) in source code : IERC20, IPancakeCallee, IPancakeERC20, IPancakeFactory, IPancakePair, Math, PancakeERC20, PancakeFactory, PancakePair, SafeMath, UQ112x112
But we were unable to locate a matching bytecode (err_code_2)

Contract compiled successfully with sol 0.5.16


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Hi @Crypto_Ryan,

Welcome to the community :wave:

You need to flatten your contract, specify the correct version of Solidity compiler and whether optimization was enabled, you can encode your constructor parameters with

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Thank you for your response, I encountered this error using remix to deploy, I can’t say that’s what caused the error but I was able to verify with truffle verify.

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So which one is your contract address?

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Hi @Crypto_Ryan,

I am glad that you were able to verify with Truffle verify.