Not able to verify SmartContract

Hello @abcoathup ,

i am trying to verify my contract. i followed step by step from the below tutorial but still got failed to verify.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";

contract MulaToken is ERC20, Ownable {

token address on rinkeby 0x78103a25ECeB14Cc8041e3938f6E0C837443574c

cc: @Skyge :grinning:

thanks for your help in advance.!

So what is your compiler version and could you please share the full source code?

i am using truffle version 5.4.0, solidity 0.8.0 and truffle-plugin-verify :0.5.11

and below is my complete code

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";

contract MulaToken is ERC20, Ownable {
    using SafeMath for uint256;
    uint256 totalSupply = 100 * 10**6 * (10 ** uint256(decimals()));
    /** If false we are are in transfer lock up period.*/
    bool public released = false;
    /**Only the crowdsale address can make transfer during the lock up period */
    address public crowdsale;
    uint256 firstListingDate;
    struct lockAllowance{
        uint256 total; uint256 allowance; uint256 spent; uint lockStage;
    mapping(address => lockAllowance) lockAllowances;
    mapping(address => bool) public earlyInvestors;

    /** Limit token transfer until the lockup period is over.*/
    modifier canTransfer() {
        if(!released) {
            require(crowdsale == msg.sender,"you are not permitted to make transactions");
    modifier onlyCrowdSale() {
        require(crowdsale == msg.sender,"you are not permitted to make transactions");
    modifier investorChecks(uint256 _value){
        if(firstListingDate + 30 days < block.timestamp ){
                lockAllowance storage lock = lockAllowances[msg.sender];
                require(lock.spent <= _value);
    constructor() ERC20("Mula Token", "MULA") {
        _mint(msg.sender, totalSupply);
    /** Allow only the crowdsale address to relase the tokens into the wild */
    function releaseTokenTransfer() onlyCrowdSale() public {
            released = true;       
    /**Set the crowdsale address. **/
    function setReleaser(address _crowdsale) onlyOwner public {
        crowdsale = _crowdsale;
    function addToLock(uint256 _total,address _investor)public onlyCrowdSale(){
            lockAllowance memory lock;
   = _total;
            lock.allowance = 0;
            lock.spent = 0;
            lockAllowances[_investor] = lock;
    function updateLockTotal(uint256 _total) internal returns(bool){
        lockAllowance storage lock = lockAllowances[msg.sender];
        lock.spent = + _total;
        //emit LogVaultWithdrawal(msg.sender, amount);
        return true;
    function updateLockSpent(uint256 _spent) internal returns(bool){
        lockAllowance storage lock = lockAllowances[msg.sender];
        lock.spent = lock.spent + _spent;
        //emit LogVaultWithdrawal(msg.sender, amount);
        return true;
    function updateLockAllownces() internal returns (bool){
        lockAllowance storage lock = lockAllowances[msg.sender];
        if(firstListingDate + 7 days >= block.timestamp && firstListingDate + 13 days <= block.timestamp){
            if(lock.lockStage < 1){
                lock.allowance = ( *100)).div(10000);
                lock.lockStage = 1;
            //first allowance 
        }else if(firstListingDate + 14 days >= block.timestamp && firstListingDate + 29 days <= block.timestamp){
            //second allowance
            if(lock.lockStage == 1){
                lock.allowance = ( *100)).div(10000);
                lock.lockStage = 2;
        return true; 
    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) canTransfer() investorChecks(_value) public override returns (bool success) {
        return true;

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I am not sure, but when I ran truffle compile, I got an error.
What is the version of the @openzeppelin/contracts in your package.json file?

here you go

@openzeppelin/contracts”: “^4.1.0”,

when i compiled i got an error with this error

Screenshot 2021-07-17 at 10.52.02

so i changed the variable name in totalSupply to tSupply

uint256 totalSupply = 100 * 10**6 * (10 ** uint256(decimals()));

and here

 constructor() ERC20("Mula Token", "MULA") {
        _mint(msg.sender, totalSupply);

i ran the compile command and it was successful.

So the contract you shared above was not the original code that you deployed, right?

no. i made some changes before uploading it.

below is an updated version and its address. i uploaded this on on the BSC Testnet


pragma solidity 0.8 ;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "./MedPingLockBox.sol"; 
contract MedPingToken is ERC20,Ownable,MedPingLockBox{
    using SafeMath for uint256;
    uint256 tSupply = 200 * 10**6 * (10 ** uint256(decimals()));
    constructor() ERC20("Medping", "PING"){
        _mint(msg.sender, tSupply);
    function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) canTransfer() investorChecks(_value,msg.sender) public override returns (bool success) {
        return true;
    function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) canTransfer() investorChecks(_value,_from) public override returns (bool success) {
       super.transferFrom(_from, _to, _value);
        return true;

    function burnPING(uint256 _date) public onlyBurner() returns(bool success){
        uint256 totalToBurn = (burnBucketBal.mul(10 *100)).div(10000); //burn 10 % of burnbucket quaterly
        _burn(msg.sender, totalToBurn);
        burnDateStatus[_date] = true;
        return true;


pragma solidity ^ 0.8;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
contract MedPingLockBox is Ownable{
    using SafeMath for uint256;
    address crowdsale;
    address payable burnBucket;
    uint256 crowdsaleBal; // token remaining after crowdsale 
    uint256 burnBucketBal;
    uint256 lockStageGlobal;
    mapping(uint256 => mapping(address=>bool)) provisionsTrack;
    /** If false we are are in transfer lock up period.*/
    bool public released = false;
    uint256 firstListingDate = 1; //date for first exchange listing
    struct lockAllowance{uint256 presale_total; uint256 privatesale_total; uint256 allowance; uint256 spent; uint lockStage;}   
    mapping(address => lockAllowance) lockAllowances; //early investors allowance profile
    mapping(address => bool) earlyInvestors;//list of early investors

    uint256 [] provisionDates;
    uint256 [] burnDates;
    mapping(uint256=>bool) burnDateStatus;

    /** MODIFIER: Limits actions to only crowdsale.*/
    modifier onlyCrowdSale() {
        require(crowdsale == msg.sender,"you are not permitted to make transactions");
    /** MODIFIER: Limits actions to only burner.*/
    modifier onlyBurner() {
        require(burnBucket == msg.sender,"you are not permitted to make transactions");
    /** MODIFIER: Limits token transfer until the lockup period is over.*/
    modifier canTransfer() {
        if(!released) {
            require(crowdsale == msg.sender,"you are not permitted to make transactions");
    /** MODIFIER: Limits and manages early investors transfer.
    *check if is early investor and if within the 30days constraint
    modifier investorChecks(uint256 _value,address _sender){
            if((firstListingDate + (13 * 30 days)) > block.timestamp){ //is investor and within 13 months constraint 
                 lockAllowance storage lock = lockAllowances[_sender]; 
                 require(lock.allowance >= _value,"allocation lower than amount you want to spend"); //validate spending amount
                 require(updateLockAllownces(_value,_sender)); //update lock spent 
    Ownable() {
    /** Allows only the crowdsale address to relase the tokens into the wild */
    function releaseTokenTransfer() onlyCrowdSale() public {
            released = true;       
    /**Set the crowdsale address. **/
    function setReleaser(address _crowdsale) onlyOwner() public { /**Set the crowdsale address. **/
        crowdsale = _crowdsale;
    /**Set the burnBucket address. **/
    function setBurner(address payable _burnBucket) onlyOwner() public { /**Set the crowdsale address. **/
        burnBucket = _burnBucket;
    function setFirstListingDate(uint256 _date) public onlyCrowdSale() returns(bool){
        firstListingDate = _date; 
        uint firstReleaseDate = _date + (3 * 30 days); //3months after the listing date
        for (uint256 index = 1; index <= 10; index++) { //remaining released monthly after the first release
            uint nextReleaseDate = firstReleaseDate +(index * 30 days);
             uint _burndate = firstReleaseDate + (index *(3 * 30 days));
            burnDateStatus[_burndate] = false;
        return true; 
    /** lock early investments per tokenomics.*/
    function addToLock(uint256 _presale_total,uint256 _privatesale_total, address _investor) public onlyCrowdSale(){
        //check if the early investor's address is not registered
            lockAllowance memory lock;
            lock.presale_total = _presale_total;
            lock.privatesale_total = _privatesale_total;
            lock.allowance = 0;
            lock.spent = 0;
            lockAllowances[_investor] = lock;
            lockAllowance storage lock = lockAllowances[_investor];
            lock.presale_total +=  _presale_total;
            lock.privatesale_total +=  _privatesale_total;
    function investorAllowance(address investor) public view returns (uint256 presale_total, uint256 privatesale_total,uint256 allowance,uint256 spent, uint lockStage){
        lockAllowance storage l =  lockAllowances[investor];
        return (l.presale_total,l.privatesale_total,l.allowance,l.spent,l.lockStage);
     /** update allowance box.*/
    function updateLockAllownces(uint256 _spending, address _sender) internal returns (bool){
        lockAllowance storage lock = lockAllowances[_sender];
        lock.allowance -= _spending;
        lock.spent += _spending;
        return true; 
     /** provision allowance box.*/
    function provisionLockAllownces(address _beneficiary,uint _lockStage) internal  returns (bool){
        require(block.timestamp >= provisionDates[0]);
        lockAllowance storage lock = lockAllowances[_beneficiary];
        uint256 presaleInital = lock.presale_total;
        uint256 privatesaleInital = lock.privatesale_total;
        require(_lockStage <= 10);
        require(lock.lockStage  == _lockStage);
        if(lock.lockStage < 1){//first allowance provision
            if(presaleInital > 0){
                presaleInital = (lock.presale_total.mul(20 *100)).div(10000);
                lock.allowance += presaleInital;
            if(privatesaleInital > 0){
               privatesaleInital = (lock.privatesale_total.mul(30 *100)).div(10000);
               lock.allowance += privatesaleInital;
                lock.presale_total -= presaleInital;
                lock.privatesale_total -= privatesaleInital;
                lock.lockStage = 1;
                provisionsTrack[lockStageGlobal][_beneficiary] = true;
        }else if(lock.lockStage >= 1){//following allowance provision
                if(presaleInital > 0){
                    presaleInital = (lock.presale_total.mul(10 *100)).div(10000);
                    lock.allowance += presaleInital;
                if(privatesaleInital > 0){
                    privatesaleInital = (lock.privatesale_total.mul(10 *100)).div(10000);
                    lock.allowance += privatesaleInital; 
                lock.lockStage += 1;
                provisionsTrack[lockStageGlobal][_beneficiary] = true;
        return true; 
    function isAllowanceProvisioned(address _beneficiary,uint _lockStageGlobal) public view returns (bool){
         return provisionsTrack[_lockStageGlobal][_beneficiary];
    function updateLockStage() onlyBurner() public returns (bool){
         lockStageGlobal +=1;
         return true;
    /** update token remaining after crowdsale .*/
    function updatecrowdsaleBal(uint256 _amount,uint256 _tSupply) public onlyCrowdSale() returns(bool success) {
        crowdsaleBal    += _amount;
        burnBucketBal   = (_tSupply.mul(5 *100)).div(10000) + crowdsaleBal; // 5% of total supply + crowdsale bal
        return true;
    function isEarlyInvestor(address investor) public view returns(bool){
            return true; 
        return false;
    function getFirstListingDate() public view returns(uint256){
        return firstListingDate;
    function getProvisionDates() public view returns (uint256 [] memory){
        return provisionDates;
    function getCrowdsaleBal()  public view returns(uint256) {
        return crowdsaleBal;
    function getBurnBucketBal()  public view returns(uint256) {
        return burnBucketBal;
    function getBurnBucket()  public view returns(address payable) {
        return burnBucket;
    function tokenBurnDates() public view returns (uint256 [] memory){
        return burnDates;
    function isTokenBurntOnDate(uint256 _date) public view returns (bool){
        return burnDateStatus[_date];

@Skyge @abcoathup will really appreciate your assistance on this.

Have tried, but it always failed, so I am not sure what is wrong.
I just use deployed the code you share above and I can verify successfully, you can have a look:

And I really recommend you use tool to deploy contracts and verify, such as Truffle or Hardhat, it is much easier!!!

Hello @Skyge im using truffle as from dev tool

I’ve tried several times

Okay, so could you please show me your contract repo. I can have a try.

hello @Skyge i finally was able to verify it. i removed the Ownable.sol and the inherentance tag (Ownable) from MedPingToken since it already inherits from the MedPingLockBox.sol

verified address : 0x92C34348196109423026f9fb1c5bF8ed8d951B6c

thank you

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