Merge Contracts and SDK categories into General

I suggest merging #contracts and #sdk categories into the #general category.

I considered merging #contracts and #sdk into an Open Source category, but didn’t see enough difference between this new category and #general.

Topics in the forum are predominantly general discussions or support questions, having categories that match this breakdown, I believe, would make things simpler for the community. A topic is generally going to be either a support question or a discussion.

Whilst merging is non-trivial, #contracts and #sdk categories only have 50+ topics each.

This would make the categories as follows:

  • General
    • Announcements
    • Guides and Tutorials
    • Events
    • Meta
    • Showcase
  • Support
    • Contracts
    • SDK
    • Starter Kits
  • Security
    • Ethernaut

Would appreciate feedback on this suggestion.

The way I see it, General is open to discussing smart contract development in general, potentially using OpenZeppelin libraries. On the other hand, this #opensource category would be specific to discuss the development of the OpenZeppelin tools themselves. Nevertheless, given that it's not super active today, I'd push for adding it as a subcategory of General. And I'd definitely consider a different name instead of #opensource.

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Maybe a good name for the hypothetical #opensource category would be #internals. The Rust community uses this name for one of their forums (the other one is “users”). Do you think that name would make the difference clear enough that it wouldn’t hurt to have as a third category?

That said, I would be okay with merging it all into #general!


So what should we do? :slight_smile:

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Hi @frangio,

Sorry for the delay.

I think we should have a sub-category under general, that is a home for discussions on OpenZeppelin open source.

I am struggling for a name. I am not sure about #internals. I want all community members to feel welcome in these discussions.

Suggestions appreciated:


Yeah, that's a great point.

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Some more suggestions for a sub-category name to cover Contracts and SDK:

  • OpenZeppelin Tools
  • Tools & Libraries
  • Projects
  • Open Source tools

I like Projects, so will migrate to that for the time being.

If the community has a better name, we can rename.