Keep3r Autotask errored with "INVALID_ARGUMENT","reason":"invalid ENS name"

Hi @AlvinP,

Glad to hear your Autotask is up and running now!!

To keep things simple, the guide doesn't mention Infura/Alchemy/Etherscan, as for most runs this should work without a specific API key for Infurat/Alchemy/Etherscan.

Coming up (from: Running a keeper from Keep3r Network on Defender)

  • Adding a custom Defender provider, so you don’t need to request an Alchemy, Infura, or Etherscan to prevent getting throttled when querying for jobs.

The Bonded relayer is the transaction hash. See this line in the Autotask:

console.log(`Bonded relayer: ${tx.hash}`);

So from your log you can view the transaction hash on Etherscan:

Perhaps the name of this would be better as Bonded relayer transaction