Is Ethernaut still alive as a project? It seems to me that Ethernaut died, no updates or any active development hasn’t been done for months.
Hi @frederickalcantara! Ethernaut’s development hasn’t been very active in the past few months but is definitely alive.
Even though the Zeppelin team hadn’t had the opportunity to pay much attention to it lately, the community has been very loving. @scammi was reviewing pull requests on Github and compiling walkthroughs while @redragonx and @paulinablaszk had approached to discuss ideas as well.
We need more people’s help to rebump the project, would you be interested?
That would sound like a fun project to contribute to, let me know where I can help out. I am willing to help out in any way possible.
I’ve been thinking the same. I’m able to help as well
Hi, I’m also interested and I can help
This is great! I’ll open a new thread to organize us
Here it is: Initiatives brainstorming