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Hi there … CryptoBond here. Trying to learn how to use OpenZeppelin with out needing much coding. One of my colleagues refered this as he believes OpenZeppelin is the best place to use ready-to-use ethereum smart contracts with out need for much coding.

So i am exploring how to use OpenZeppelin.

To start with, can you please share a sample code to Create an ERC20 token, out of which 10% team tokens need to be locked for say 1 yr and 10% marketing tokens need to be locked for 1 month and remaining 80% tokns need to be transferred to the creator of the token address.

After the end of the lock period the tokens should be automatically transferred to the address of the creator of the token. Is this posisble with OpenZeppelin?

If this is not posisble with single piece of code and multiple steps would help in achieving this, I believe a “how-to” youtube video will help a lot of people who are looking to launch projects on ethereum.

Also please share any info, how to compile and run the code. Does remix.ethereum work?

Thanks in advance.

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