Welcome to the community @jimthematrix
Is Kaleido mostly Enterprise Ethereum or are you also providing non-Ethereum based chains to your customers?
Would appreciate other suggestions on smart contracts that would benefit the OpenZeppelin library.
If you use ERC777 would be great to get input on the OpenZeppelin ERC777 implementation:
OpenZeppelin 2.3.0: Release Candidate
The long awaited sequel to ERC20 is here. The EIP is almost finalized, and OpenZeppelin has an implementation of it. Please note that this code has not been audited yet . An audit will be performed soon, but for now we need you all to look at it and review it from top to bottom . The main source file is here at
. Anything you see, drop us a line in this thread or via email at security@openzeppelin.org. Letting us know that you’ve looked at it and found nothing is also valuable!
Also you are welcome to join the Discussion about ERC20Migrator and related issues