Import OpenZeppelin contracts when inherited contract uses a higher compiler version?

How can I import openzeppelins contracts if the inherited contract uses a compiler versions higher than 0.5

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Hi @Cosimo_de_Medici,

Welcome to the community :wave:

Can you give some more detail about what you are trying to do?

I assume that you may have a token contract using Solidity 0.6 or 0.7 whilst the Crowdsale contracts are written in Solidity 0.5. In that situation you may want to keep your token and your crowdsale in separate projects.

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I think you may have answered this in the past. How do I add supply to my crowdsale contract without doing it at deployment time? I would really prefer to just create an allowance for the crowdsale contract this way I have more control of its supply without having to use timedcrowdsale or increase etc.

I have a subscription model Dapp and have three different rates for my token depending on subscription, but crowsale only allows one rate. So I will create a separate crowdsale contract for each rate and just add a require to make sure users send in the required minimum to interact with each contract.