How to mitigate Governance Attack

If we are using openzeppelin governor contract, how do we ensure that no one may buy tokens at the last minute, influencing votes and dumping tokens to manipulate voting.

Hi, welcome to the community! :wave:

You mean if the voting starts at 8:00, someone buys a lot of tokens at 7:59:59, right?
Maybe in the following ways:

  • Ensure a fair and decentralized token distribution
  • Implement quorum requirements where a minimum threshold of participation is required for governance decisions to be valid. This ensures that decisions have broad community support.
  • Introduce voting delays or lock-up periods for tokens before they can be used for voting. This will prevent attackers from acquiring tokens at the last minute to manipulate governance decisions.
  • Or you can add a role, guardian, for the governance contract, the guardian can cancel proposals to ensure that governance decisions are made in the best interests of the community.