How to create an upgradeable smart contract using ZeppelinOS

Another guide

How to create an upgradeable smart contract using ZeppelinOS — example of fixing smart contract vulnerable to underflow/overflow attacks


Great article by @paulinablaszk; Thanks for sharing @Coinmonks
When I was first learning ZeppelinOS, this article really helped me understand some of the concepts.

ZeppelinOS 2.4 makes the process of creating an upgradable smart contract even easier.

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Thank you @abcoathup! I think I should update it or write a new version using ZeppelinOS 2.4


@paulinablaszk perhaps a new version using ZeppelinOS 2.4, with an update at the top of your original article pointing to the latest version. :smile:

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Great, thank you @abcoathup ! I’ll do that :slight_smile:

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Hi. @paulinablaszk

Thanks to your article, I could know about oz-sdk.

I tried it with using from installing zos.

It was little confused to me between zos and @openzeppelin/cli.

Your article is cool and nice, so I’m waiting for Update

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Hi @blue,

ZeppelinOS was renamed to OpenZeppelin SDK.

The number of steps to deploy a contract has reduced. We can just run oz create

See the announcement for more details: Announcing the OpenZeppelin SDK