I have the same issue (File import callback not supported). I am on MacOS.
Hi @hiteshjoshi1,
Welcome to the community
I’m sorry that you are having an issue. Can you provide a bit more detail on what you are trying to do?
Hi @hiteshjoshi1,
Were you able to resolve the issue?
Apologies for late reply. I have exactly the same issue as in File import callback not supported
This is not a new issue IMHO and just a caveat that this also happens in Mac. I tried to use the
contract Counter is GSNRecipient {
but the import import “@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/GSN/GSNRecipient.sol”;
never resolves. My gut says that truffle is not playing well with openzeppelin. I haven’t got a chance to dive deeper into this.
Hi @hiteshjoshi1,
I have generally only seen this issue on Windows (native rather than WSL) so that is why I thought it was potentially something different.
What version of node/npm/truffle are you using?
Are you able to share your contract? (I assume it may be from a tutorial).
2 posts were split to a new topic: File import callback not supported on MacOS with solcjs