Example front end using meta-transactions with Defender Relay and signing using EIP712

I´m looking for a full code example of a Meta-transaction using the Relayer and the web browser. The meta-transaction example should be signed on the front-end with Metamask with eip712. I have checked https://github.com/spalladino/workshop-defender-meta-txs And this example does not have the front-end code.

Can you recommend me an example or a library? so I can join both parts web/backend. As GSN examples.


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Hey @elranu! The frontend code is in the app folder, the function you want in particular is:

Also, note that we have migrated the workshops code to a single repo under the OpenZeppelin org on github at https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/workshops

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Sorry, I read directly the scripts I didn´t see the app.


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No worries! Let me know if you have any questions about how it works!

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Hi @elranu,

Welcome to the community :wave:

There is also a video recording of the workshop, I found this helpful when setting up my relayer along with the code from the workshop.

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