It doesn't look like the museum Locked
level is still possible with Solidity 0.5 and may need to be removed/retired.
In Solidity 0.4.x we could declare NameRecord newRecord;
, though we got the following warnings:
Warning: Variable is declared as a storage pointer.
Use an explicit "storage" keyword to silence this warning.
Warning: Uninitialized storage pointer. Did you mean '\<type\> memory newRecord'?
Solidity 0.5 changed the warning for uninitialized storage pointers to an error:
Uninitialized storage variables are now disallowed.
The following code now errors in compilation with: DeclarationError: Uninitialized storage pointer.
This means that the contract with the vulnerability cannot be compiled in Solidity 0.5
function register(bytes32 _name, address _mappedAddress) public {
// set up the new NameRecord
NameRecord storage newRecord; = _name;
newRecord.mappedAddress = _mappedAddress;
resolve[_name] = _mappedAddress;
registeredNameRecord[msg.sender] = newRecord;
require(unlocked); // only allow registrations if contract is unlocked
The walkthrough explains the original vulnerability: