Hi @abcoathup,
just a quick reply:
Your tutorial ([DRAFT] Create an NFT and deploy to a public testnet, using Truffle) is absolutely great, very well documented, thanks for that! I’m almost throught, I’m just stuck at the very last step where I get the following error when I try to mint a token on Rinkeby:
truffle(rinkeby)> nft = await ERC721PresetMinterPauserAutoId.at('0x53f45E14A37bFeA2Ce4099B413f8FfeD54593093')
Error: Cannot create instance of ERC721PresetMinterPauserAutoId; no code at address 0x53f45E14A37bFeA2Ce4099B413f8FfeD54593093
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at Function.at (/home/code/mynft/node_modules/truffle/build/webpack:/packages/contract/lib/contract/constructorMethods.js:74:1)
at Object.checkCode (/home/code/mynft/node_modules/truffle/build/webpack:/packages/contract/lib/utils/index.js:265:1)
Just another question: I saw that in the tutorial you use truffle - why not the openzeppelin CLI?