Error: Source not found in Visual Studio Code

This morning seeing new types of warnings in my MyContract.sol in the Visual Studio IDE

Source "@openzeppelin/upgrades/contracts/Initializable.sol" not found: File import callback not supported


/// dependencies
import "@openzeppelin/upgrades/contracts/Initializable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/lifecycle/Pausable.sol";

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Hi @pkr,

Using Visual Studio Code with the extension I get the same error until I install the packages (takes a minute or two to compile).
Were the packages installed when you got this error?


pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

import "@openzeppelin/upgrades/contracts/Initializable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/lifecycle/Pausable.sol";

contract MyContract {

Install OpenZeppelin Upgrades:

npm i @openzeppelin/upgrades

Link OpenZeppelin Contracts Ethereum Package

oz link @openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package 

Yeah, nothing changed since last week, same folder, same project, for some reason it is giving me errors today.

I created a new smart contract and here is the code snippet…

Smart Contract AST20.sol

pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.7.0;

/// dependencies
import "@openzeppelin/upgrades/contracts/Initializable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/lifecycle/Pausable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/token/ERC20/StandaloneERC20.sol";

contract AST20 is Initializable, Ownable, Pausable {
    using SafeMath for uint256;
    /// states
    address aST20Owner;
    /// events
    event TokenDeployed(address _owner);
    /// functions
    /// initialize function
    function initialize(
        string memory tokenName,
        string memory tokenTicker,
        uint _DECIMALS,
        uint256 _INITIALSUPPLY,
        address tokenOwner,
        address[] memory minters,
        address[] memory pausers
        public initializer
        aST20Owner = tokenOwner;
        /// intantiate ERC20
        StandaloneERC20 newStandaloneERC20 = new StandaloneERC20();
        newStandaloneERC20.initialize(tokenName, tokenTicker, _DECIMALS, _INITIALSUPPLY, tokenOwner, minters, pausers);
        emit TokenDeployed(address(newStandaloneERC20));
        return address(newStandaloneERC20);
    /// return the name of a token
    function getTokenName(address tokenAddress)
    public view
    returns(string memory)

oz check Error

$ oz check
✖ Compiling contracts with solc 0.5.11 (commit.c082d0b4)
Compilation errors: 
contracts/AST20.sol:34:9: TypeError: Member "initialize" not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in contract StandaloneERC20.
        newStandaloneERC20.initialize(tokenName, tokenTicker, _DECIMALS, _INITIALSUPPLY, tokenOwner, minters, pausers);

@abcoathup Any ideas? I bet it is a silly mistake somewhere.

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Hi @pkr,

The first issue reported was with imports, the second is with parameters being passed into the function not matching the types required by the function.

I created a new project, pasted in your contract and then added the dependencies

npm i @openzeppelin/upgrades
oz link @openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package

I then get the following error which is caused by _DECIMALS being declared as uint rather than uint8:

$ oz check
✖ Compiling contracts with solc 0.5.11 (commit.c082d0b4)
Compilation errors:
contracts/AST20.sol:34:9: TypeError: Member "initialize" not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in contract StandaloneERC20.
        newStandaloneERC20.initialize(tokenName, tokenTicker, _DECIMALS, _INITIALSUPPLY, tokenOwner, minters, pausers);

Thank you Thank you @abcoathup

Apologies if this is confusing, they are all related to the same thing I am trying to build…

Essentially I am trying to do the following and keep needing to change the approach, as I found out that the inherited functions are not showing up in Terminal when I am trying to test the API.

Trying to build

  • One instance of Registry Contract – STRegister.sol
  • One instance of Factory Contract – STFactory.sol
  • Multiple instances of StandaloneERC20 Contract – AST20.sol

Given AST20.sol is a slightly modified version of StandaloneERC20.sol and it inherits the following contracts (listed below), I was hoping to call the following functions (listed below) w/in the same contract or a separate contract.

List of inherited contracts

  • Ownable.sol
  • Pausable.sol
  • StandaloneERC20.sol
  • ERC20Detailed.sol
  • ERC20Mintable.sol
  • ERC20Pausable.sol

List of functions wanting to call

  • ERC20Detailed.symbol()
  • ERC20Detailed.decimals()
  • ERC20Pausable.transfer()
  • ERC20Pausable.transferFrom()
  • ERC20Pausable.approve()
  • ERC20Pausable.increaseAllowance()
  • ERC20Pausable.decreaseAllowance()
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Thanks @abcoathup for troubleshooting this, I modified from uint to uint8 and it compile OKay.

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