Error: Sender account not recognized sending from ganache account[0] to MetaMask

Trying to send test ether from my Ganache account[0] to metamask account but getting this error

truffle(develop)> web3.eth.sendTransaction({to: "0x8C9ad9Ff0655Db057317FDd37B4aabcC5411E87D", from:accounts[0], value: web3.utils.toWei("2", "ether")});11E87D", from:accounts[0], value: web3.utils.toWei("2", "ether")});
Uncaught Error: Returned error: sender account not recognized     

:computer: Environment
Truffle v5.1.56 (core: 5.1.56)
Solidity v0.5.16 (solc-js)
Node v12.19.0
Web3.js v1.2.9


:1234: Code to reproduce

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Where do you define accounts?

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Not sure I understand the question. I deployed my contract on the local truffle develop, and I want to send some of the native test ether to my metamask account, so that I can interact with the smart contracts on the front end. Is this helpful?

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You’re getting this error because truffle doesn’t recognize accuonts[0] as a valid signer for the transaction. It is common to assign accounts with the output of web3.eth.getAccounts(), and I suspect you skipped that step. Hence my question: where do you define accounts?

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I dont understand why its not working, am following a udemy tutorial and its working just fine, at least for the tutor

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I already defined that in my App.js because my localhost webpage is loading ok
(Is this what you meant for me to confirm?)

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Or do I need to define the accounts variable to store the output of web3.eth.getAccounts() in the terminal first before trying to send that transaction?

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That’s right, truffle console’s execution context is isolated from your webapp, they’re two different programs. You have to define accounts in truffle console in order to reference it from there.

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Ok thanks let me give it a try

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can you send a code to create variable in ganche console, bcuz I am having same issue here